
Anime North is proud to play host to a screening of Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series! Watch the four episode arc, the road to the title, featuring episodes “A Flood of Torrential Gains!” (Ep 35), “Toying With Your Motions” (Ep 36), “Paring Pokémon while Parrying!” (Ep 37), and “Partners in Time!” (Ep 38). Presented by Cartoon Network with The Pokémon Company International.



Starting at Anime North 2023, we will be hosting a new cosplay battle game: AnimeNia! A new cosplay gaming event combining a card game with the action of cosplayers and fans. Sign-ups are open until Friday, May 19.



Call All Media Organizations! Are you still interested in covering Anime North 2023 for your audience? Application deadline for Media Passes at Anime North is quickly approaching. Make sure to submit your applications by May 19th, 2023.  Complete the application here.