Mari Shimizu

Mari Shimizu

Voice Actor

Mari Shimizu, who is considered "The Mother of Voice Actors" I 声優の母, Seiyū no haha was the voice of the Original Astro Boy I 鉄腕アトム, Tetsuwan Atomu (lit. ‘Iron-armed Atom’). Astro Boy, also known in Japan by its original name, Mighty Atom, is a Japanese Manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka.

Astro Boy is one of the most successful manga and anime franchises in the world and has become Tezuka's most famous creation. The combined 23 tankōbon volumes have sold over 100 million copies worldwide making it Tezuka's best-selling manga and one of the best-selling manga series of all time. The 1963 anime series became a television hit in Japan and the United States. Astro Boy has been praised for its impact on anime and manga and has been featured on many greatest anime of all time lists. It has inspired many other influential authors in creating manga and countless merchandise and collectables ranging from trading cards, action figures, stamps, games, clothing, and food products, surpassing $3,000,000,000 in sales worldwide in 2004.